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Visitors can find more than 200 stores including clothing, footwear, cosmetics, jewellery, children’s and baby products, food and liquor, consumer electronics, sports and leisure goods, interior design and gifts, pet supplies and other stores under one roof in Vilnius.
Weekend Maxmara
Distinct for its use of high-quality, natural fabrics, Weekend Max Mara is a line of leisurewear from Italian fashion house Max Mara.
Šiaurės Jūra is a specialty gourmet and the highest quality for customers who appreciate the fish and seafood retail chain in Lithuania.
Visitors can find more than 200 stores including clothing, footwear, cosmetics, jewellery, children’s and baby products, food and liquor, consumer electronics, sports and leisure goods, interior design and gifts, pet supplies and other stores under one roof in Vilnius.