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Visitors can find more than 200 stores including clothing, footwear, cosmetics, jewellery, children’s and baby products, food and liquor, consumer electronics, sports and leisure goods, interior design and gifts, pet supplies and other stores under one roof in Vilnius.
Here at Pinko, we have never tried to impose our style: what we want to do is to share our vision.
Čia moterims siūlomi daugelio pasaulinio garso prekių ženklų drabužiai, avalynė, rankinės ir aksesuarai. Kolekcijos surinktos taip, kad salone skirtingus poreikius turinčios moterys galėtų susikurti skirtingo stiliaus įvaizdį. Labai plati yra ir kainų bei dydžių skalė.
Visitors can find more than 200 stores including clothing, footwear, cosmetics, jewellery, children’s and baby products, food and liquor, consumer electronics, sports and leisure goods, interior design and gifts, pet supplies and other stores under one roof in Vilnius.